Refunds & Returns Policy

Rachel Wilson A.B.N. 52 245 138 610 (we, us, our, or Hello Parker and Co) makes every effort to be fully transparent at all times. Accordingly, we have developed this Refunds & Returns Policy to ensure that you are fully aware of your rights with respect to refunds and returns.


Returns and refunds

If you are concerned about your entitlement to a refund or exchange, we recommend that you read on to learn about your rights and our obligations to you.


Your entitlement to a refund or exchange

You will be entitled to a refund or exchange where we are required to do so under any relevant laws, including the Australian Consumer Law,. You may ask for a refund or exchange, if an item has a major problem, or is not what you expected it to be (for example, the wrong colour, wording etc.). Due to the personalised nature of our products, refunds or exchanges will not be granted due to change of mind.

In the event that you believe that you are entitled to a refund or exchange, you must provide us with:

  • your full name and address;

  • the original order number; and

  • the reason for claiming the refund or exchange.

Returning items to us

If you wish to return an item to us, we recommend that you do so as soon as possible after becoming aware of the issue, prompting your request for a refund or exchange.

Delayed claims for refunds or exchanges may lead to your request for an exchange or refunds being rejected.

We reserve the right to assess the condition of a returned item prior to offering a refund or exchange. This may result in a refund or exchange being refused by us.


Exchange and refund valuation

You may be entitled to a refund equal to the cost of the item only. You may be entitled to an exchange for an identical item, or one of a similar value. You will not be entitled to a refund on shipping costs.

The value of a returned item is determined by the amount paid and listed on your invoice or receipt. If you are exchanging for a new item, the value of the item is determined by the online listed price at the time your exchange is processed.

Exchanges are subject to availability. If your preferred item is not available at the time, you will receive a refund or online credit.


How to return items

Hello Parker and Co takes no responsibility for items that are returned but become lost or not delivered to us. If you are concerned about loss or damage in transit, you should consider adding tracking or insurance. However, this is at your sole discretion, and Hello Parker and Co makes no representations or warranties in relation to the security of returned item/s.

Upon receipt of the item/s, we will inspect them and if they are returned in accordance with this Refunds & Returns Policy and we are satisfied that you are entitled to a refund or exchange, we will issue you with a refund or exchange.

We reserve the right to assess the condition and age of the returned items prior to offering an exchange, discount voucher, refund or repair.


If we have approved your refund, you will receive direction on where (address) to return your item/s.

Return delivery charges

We recommend you return the item to us via a method that allows delivery to be tracked. All shipping costs will be the responsibility of the customer, until such time that we have confirmed that there is a fault with a product or that we have made a shipping error.


Provision of refunds or exchanges to you

If after assessing the condition of the returned item/s, your refund is approved, we will send you an email confirming that your refund will be issued. Please allow five (5) business days for refunds to be processed (longer during sales periods).

All refunds will be issued via the same payment method used to purchase the items. There may be delays in the provision of the refund that may be caused by the issuing bank. Please contact us if you have not received your refund within five (5) business days of us notifying you that a refund has been issued. 


Please email us if you have any questions regarding our Refunds & Returns Policy.

Refunds & Returns Policy last updated on 10 July 2023.